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Tax Planning & Preparation

Do these challenges sound familiar to you?

At Delucia CPA, we recognize the distinct challenges encountered by medical practices and medical spas, and we firmly believe that having a solid tax strategy is essential for informed business decisions. 

Ever find yourself questioning if you're compensating yourself correctly amidst fluctuating patient volumes and reimbursement rates?

Does the complexity of medical expense deductions, such as equipment upgrades or regulatory compliance costs, leave you scratching your head about your tax bill?

Want a clearer picture of your practice's financial health, especially with challenges like insurance reimbursements and billing discrepancies affecting your bottom line?

With evolving healthcare regulations impacting revenue streams, do you lack a proactive tax strategy tailored to your practice's unique financial goals?

Dealing with unexpected expenses like malpractice insurance hikes or sudden equipment repairs can make those surprise tax bills hit even harder, right?

Are you unsure if you're leveraging deductions like technology investments or staff training expenses to their fullest potential?

Discover the power of a tailored tax strategy for your business.

Let's face it – taxes can be daunting. With your business growing, navigating tax complexities becomes even more crucial. That's where we come in. Our team meets with you regularly to craft a customized tax plan designed to optimize both your business and personal tax liabilities. Say goodbye to overpaying taxes and hello to strategic savings that benefit your bottom line.

Free Consultation

What We Offer

  Tax Planning + Strategy

In our collaborative meetings, we'll tackle tricky questions like how to structure your salary for optimal tax benefits and ensure you're making timely quarterly tax payments.

Running a medical practice means juggling a multitude of financial considerations. We take a hands-on approach, examining factors like fluctuating reimbursement rates, rising equipment costs, and evolving healthcare regulations to craft a tax strategy tailored just for you.

Our expertise goes beyond business taxes; we're here to guide you through the maze of personal tax considerations too. From managing income from multiple sources to navigating deductions for medical equipment and staff training, we've got you covered.

Staying on top of ever-changing tax laws is our job, so you can focus on what you do best – providing excellent patient care. Our specialized knowledge means we can uncover tax-saving opportunities you may not have even known existed, putting more money back in your pocket where it belongs.

  Timely and Accurate Tax Preparation

Navigating Tax Compliance Made Easy: Tax compliance can be a maze, but we're here to guide you through it smoothly. From preparing and filing all tax forms to ensuring compliance with intricate tax laws, we've got you covered.

Business and Personal Tax Returns: Running a medical practice means dealing with complex tax requirements for both your business and personal finances. We handle everything from business income taxes to personal tax returns, ensuring accuracy and maximizing deductions to save you money.

Sales Tax Returns: Sales tax compliance is a crucial yet often daunting task. We take the stress out of sales tax returns, ensuring timely and accurate filings to avoid penalties and keep your practice running smoothly.

Payroll Tax Returns: Navigating payroll taxes can be challenging, especially with changing regulations and varying employee compensation structures. We handle payroll tax returns meticulously, ensuring compliance and accuracy to avoid potential IRS issues.

Discover What Sets Us Apart

Value-Added Services


With our specialized expertise in medical practice tax matters, we not only ensure compliance but also identify opportunities to minimize your tax liabilities and maximize your financial well-being. From specialized tax strategies to optimizing revenue cycles, we provide tailored advice to help you thrive in the healthcare industry.


Harnessing the power of technology is more than just a trend; it's a game-changer for saving valuable time and money. From automated data entry to real-time reporting, we ensure efficiency and accuracy in every aspect of your accounting and financial management. Our proactive approach is your secret weapon for staying ahead of the curve.  


We don't stop at basic accounting tasks; we delve deep into your entire financial landscape. Our mission is to equip you with the insights and resources necessary to make informed decisions and realize your long-term financial goals. Whether it's maximizing tax benefits, identifying growth opportunities, or planning for retirement, we're here to guide you every step of the way towards financial success.

Ready to take control of your practice's finances and unlock growth opportunities? Schedule a discovery call with us today to explore how our tailored financial solutions can benefit your medical practice!