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CPA Services for Plastic Surgeons

Accounting, Tax & Financial Planning for Plastic Surgeons

As a physician in private practice, you cherish the control you have over your medical practice. However, the journey of being a business owner in private practice comes with its unique challenges and tough questions.

At DeLucia CPA, we specialize in crafting tailored solutions to address these intricate financial and operational challenges faced by doctors in private practice, especially those in the field of plastic surgery.  

Are you taking full advantage of all available tax deductions tailored for medical professionals like yourself? 

Which entity structure aligns best with your practice's financial objectives and legal safeguards?

How can you manage a plastic surgeons practice while adding or maintaining a med spa and weight loss services?

How can you strategically expand your practice, whether through patient acquisition, marketing, service expansion, or an increase in staffing?

Do you know the true value of your practice, and what steps can you take to enhance its financial worth?

Are you aware of where your practice's finances are allocated, and how you can optimize expenses for improved financial health?

What's the optimal strategy for offering benefits to your staff and optimizing your practice's overall compensation package?

When it comes to real estate, should you lease, buy, or build a building for your practice / surgery center, considering long-term financial implications?

We understand the unique challenges faced by plastic surgery offices and are dedicated to helping you achieve financial success and operational excellence. Partner with us to streamline your financial management and focus on providing exceptional patient care. Schedule a consultation today to discuss how we can support your practice's financial goals. 

Discover What Sets Us Apart

We get it – running a plastic surgery practice is no walk in the park. That's why you need a reliable team on your side. With our specialized services tailored to the unique needs of plastic surgery offices, you can focus on what you do best – transforming lives and enhancing confidence, while we handle the financial side of things seamlessly.

Financial Planning for Plastic Surgeons

We understand that you got into this profession because you love practicing medicine, not just to make ends meet. Our goal is to ensure that your hard work translates into a comfortable living. We'll help you navigate cash flow planning, family protection insurance, taxes, retirement planning, real estate decisions, and estate planning. With our support, you can protect your family's future and grow your net worth, giving you peace of mind and financial independence.  

Tax Planning & Preparation for Plastic Surgeons

It's not just about how much you make; it's about how much you get to keep. We'll work with you to optimize your tax strategies and ensure that you're not paying more than you should.

Payroll for Plastic Surgery Offices

Keeping your team happy means ensuring they get paid accurately and on time. We'll handle the complexities of time clocks, payroll systems, employee benefits, HR matters, and more, so you can focus on delivering exceptional care to your patients.

Accounting & Bookkeeping for Plastic Surgery Offices

Good books are the backbone of informed decision-making. We'll take care of your accounting and bookkeeping needs, ensuring that your financial data is accurate and reliable. After all, solid numbers lead to smart decisions and successful outcomes.

Medical Practice Consulting

You're busy with patient care, but running a successful private practice also requires savvy business management. That's where we come in. Our team will work with you to develop key metrics that maximize profits and minimize expenses, helping you achieve long-term success as both a doctor and a business owner.

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